Tracking the journey of setting up my ceramic studio and the hard work that follows

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am still here!

It was brought to my attention that I have been slacking at doing my posts lately.  Sorry.  Summer has had me outside working in the yard.  I have been putting in some flower beds and planting a lot of flowers.  This is our second summer in our house and I am still trying to get it the way I want it.  I know it will take years but I am working as hard and as fast as I can to get it finished.  There was not a whole lot of yard work going on this July because it was just way too hot to do anything outside.  So now in August I had to make up lost time.  Here are a few pictures of what I have done in the yard. 

I put in two raised flower beds.

One in my back yard.

One also around the corner of my house.

I also have been taking care of my vegetable garden.   

My yard is not the only thing that has been keeping us busy.  The last couple of weekends we have had two bachelor/bachelorette parties, a house warming party, a wedding, and my in-laws came to visit for a weekend.  We also have a wedding next weekend.  So we have been very busy. 

But I will have to get back to work because I have 3 orders that need to be filled.  Well there you go.  That is what I have been up to this summer and why I have not been on the computer posting.  I promise I will keep updating.