Tracking the journey of setting up my ceramic studio and the hard work that follows

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A little Progress

Today I finally did some things in the studio.  I should really be doing more but I have been kinda lazy. 

Today I built a table with the new counter top my Aunt Lisa brought me this past weekend. This is going to be my glaze station. It is 5 feet long and it will be very easy to clean.

My neighbor also came over today!  My hole in the ceiling is gone.  He has to touch it up tomorrow and then it will be done.  Then I can paint that and also the tubing from the electrician.  Then I can check that off my list of things to do.

I have been working on figuring out how to hang curtains to separate my studio space from the laundry area.  I think I have found an easy cheap way to do that. Tomorrow I will have to go find a fabric that is not heavy and that will be somewhat easy to clean.  I am also planning on making 2 more tables tomorrow.  I have a busy day planned for tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get things moving again. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Today I have been busy working on my studio.
I made a shelf.  I am storing all my clay underneath it so I moved all the clay to store under the bottom shelf.  I also went to the store to buy some things that I will be able to work on tomorrow. 

I went for a run today and went past a garage sale.  I found these amazing things for my studio.  I found a shelving unit and little table for my studio.  I also found a table saw(not for my studio) but something I had to have.  I got a really good deal.  I bought all these things for $20.50!!!  So it was a great day!


This is what my studio looks like so far!  Looking good!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I got a lot done last night and today!  I am starting to get really excited.  I have been working really hard to get as much done as I possibly can.  I am trying to meet my goal to have everything ready to go by the end of the month. 

This is what I built last night.  A nice little table to go next to my potter's wheel.  It has a nice counter top on it.  My aunt Lisa just recently got new counter tops and I was lucky to get her old ones.  They will work perfectly in my studio.  They will be very easy to clean and it fits perfectly in the corner! 

This morning while my husband was at work I unpacked my potter's wheel.  I put it next to my new table.  It fits perfectly!  I also built a shelving unit for the other side of our basement for storage.  I will also be building another one of those tomorrow for my studio side but I wanted to get some totes and things off the floor and stored nicely.  They work really well. 

Also this morning my neighbor came over to install my ventilation system for my kiln.  He had to mount it on my wall and drill a hole through my garage wall.  Everything with my kiln is set up now!  I just have to make work to fill it up.  I do have to do a test firing.  I will maybe do that next weekend. 

I did get a lot accomlished this weekend so far and I have one day left.  It is nice having an extra day.  I get so much more done.  Hopefully there will be another update tomorrow.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wired Up!

Today the electrician was here.  I am all wired up!  Just one more step for the kiln which is putting in the ventilation unit.  My neighbor once again is being a nice guy is going to hook that up for me.  I am lucky to have such nice neighbor. 

The electrician had to run a wire from one side of our basement to the other side where the garage is.  I now have a new project.  I will have to paint the metal tubing so that it blends in. 

My new hooked up kiln! 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My newly painted floor!

Floor is painted.  I finished the second coat today.  I think it looks good.  It also looks like it will be easy to clean.  I will be able to check it out tomorrow when it is dry but it is looking glossier then what was on there before. 

I also have a hole in my ceiling for the electrician.  My neighbor was nice enough to come over yesterday and cut a hole in my ceiling.  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Studio Space Update

  This is the space I am working with.  A good size space.  Tomorrow I plan to paint the floor with a semi-gloss paint so that it will be a little more easy to clean.  Right now there is a matte finish on it that does not clean well.  So hopefully this will work.  I have the day off tomorrow so I have a bunch of projects to get done! 

I did have the electrician here today.  He will be back next Thursday to wire up my kiln.  I will have to cut a hole in my ceiling to get the wiring out to the garage where my kiln will be located.  My neighbor is nice enough to help me out with this task.  That will also be done tomorrow. 

Things are finally happening.  It is really exciting.  I have a goal to be done by the end of the month.  Hopeful thinking but if I set a date it will be easier to reach and then I will be on my way with the fun part of making pottery!  I really can't wait! 

I received my shipment of ceramic equipment a couple of weeks ago.  A kiln, potter's wheel, clay, tools, and other supplies.  Lots of good stuff. 

So here I go setting up my studio!  Wish me luck.

First Post!

Hi everyone!  My husband and I just recently bought a house.   I am lucky enough to have room in my basement to be able to set up a small studio.  I thought I would share my adventures of setting up and starting my own home pottery studio.  I plan to share progress of my work, techniques I use, and what inspires me in this blog.  Wish me luck!  This is going to be a lot of hard work.  I hope you all enjoy!!